If you're looking for a way to let someone collaborate on your Shopify store, such as a developer or a partner, you need to give them specific access. Here's how you can do this:

  1. Adding a staff account (for employees or staff members):

    a. From your Shopify admin, go to 'Settings > Account.'

    b. In the 'Staff' section, click 'Add staff.'

    c. Enter the collaborator's email address and name.

    d. Choose permissions for this staff member. You can customize access to certain sections of the admin panel.

    e. Click 'Send invite.' The collaborator will receive an email invitation to access your store.

  2. Adding a collaborator account (for third-party partners, like developers):

    a. From your Shopify admin, click on 'Settings.'

    b. Go to 'Plan and permissions.'

    c. In the 'Permissions' section, you'll find 'Collaborator accounts.' Click on 'Add collaborator account.'

    d. Enter the email address of your collaborator, and specify the areas of your admin that they can access.

    e. An invitation will be sent to them, and they must accept it to gain access based on the permissions you set.

Last updated