Collection Filtering

To get started with setting up filters on your Shopify theme using the Search and Discovery app, let’s break it down step by step, weaving in the insights from the video to ensure everything clicks.

Step 1: Install the Search and Discovery App

First things first, you need to have the Search and Discovery app installed from the Shopify App Store. If you haven’t already, head over there and add it to your store. This app is your gateway to enhancing your store’s search functionality and adding those all-important filters.

Step 2: Access the Filter Settings

Once the app is installed, navigate to your Shopify admin panel. Look for the Search and Discovery app under the "Apps" section. Click on it, and you’ll land on the dashboard where all the magic happens. Here, you’ll find various options, but for now, we’re focusing on Filters.

Step 3: Configure Your Filters

Now, it’s time to configure the filters that will make your customers’ shopping experience smoother and more intuitive. Think about what attributes are most relevant to your products—this could be anything from size and color to price range or material.

  • Add a New Filter: Click on the "Add Filter" button. You’ll see options like Product Type, Vendor, Price, and even custom Metafields if you’ve set those up.

  • Set Up Custom Filters: If your products have unique characteristics not covered by default filters, use the Metafields option to create something specific to your inventory. This is where you can really tailor the experience to your offerings.

  • Order Your Filters: After adding your filters, drag and drop them into the order you want them to appear on your site. The sequence matters—customers typically use the first few filters they see, so prioritize the most important ones.

Step 4: Implement Filters in Your Theme

Here’s where it all comes together in your Shopify theme. Depending on your theme, the process may vary slightly, but the core steps remain consistent.

  • Go to Online Store > Themes: Find the theme you’re currently using. If it’s live, you’ll be working directly on it. If not, you can preview the changes before going live.

  • Customize Theme: Click on the "Customize" button. This will take you to the theme editor.

  • Navigate to Collection Pages: Filters are typically used on collection pages, so find the section for your collection pages in the theme editor.

  • Enable Filters: Look for the option to enable filters in the sidebar. This might be under a section like Collection Pages or Sidebar Settings depending on your theme. Toggle the filters on, and you should see the ones you configured earlier in the Search and Discovery app appear here.

Step 5: Test Your Filters

After setting everything up, it’s crucial to test how these filters work on your store. Navigate to a collection page and try using the filters yourself. Check if they’re sorting products correctly and if the experience feels smooth.

  • Adjust as Needed: If something doesn’t look or work quite right, head back to the Search and Discovery app or theme customization to tweak the settings.

Last updated