Collection link on product page v3.4.1

The new feature allows you to link a collection to a product page using a metafield, enabling customers to easily navigate from a product to its associated collection. This guide will walk you through the steps to implement this feature on your Shopify store.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a Product Metafield Definition:

    • Navigate to the Shopify Admin.

    • Go to Settings > Metafields > Products.

    • Click Add definition.

  2. Set Up the Metafield Definition:

    • Name: Enter a name for the metafield, e.g., "Associated Collection".

    • Namespace and key: This will be auto-generated, e.g., custom.associated_collection.

    • Description: Provide a description, e.g., "Add a collection to feature it along with the product information".

    • Content type: Select Collection.

  3. Assign a Collection to the Product:

    • Navigate to Products in your Shopify Admin.

    • Open a product that you want to link to a collection.

    • Scroll down to the Metafields section.

    • Find the metafield you created, e.g., "Associated Collection".

    • Select the desired collection.

    • Navigate to Online Store > Themes.

    • Click Customize on your current theme.

    • Go to the Product page template.

    • Add a new Block to the product page section.

Last updated