
How to configure marquee

Looking to add some extra flair to your Shopify store? The marquee effect is a great way to do just that! In this video, I show you how to add a Shopify marquee text to your theme, turning it from a free theme to a premium one with this easy-to-use feature. With the marquee effect, you can easily animate scrolling text for promotions and deals, drawing in customers and getting them to click checkout.

Start by adding the files listed in the installation zip that was provided when you made the purchase.

After adding the code into the code editor, go into your theme editor and customize the marquee.

To do this, add section " eg- marquee" and it will display like this

You have the options to:

  1. change the text - the text is able to change and are separated through character pipe

  2. background color settings

  3. text color

  4. text size - h1-h6

  5. font weight -

  6. text transform - uppercase or lowercase

  7. link if you want to link it to a page or external source

  8. text direction- left or right

  9. gap between the the text

At the bottom of every section we create, you are provided padding top and bottom, margin top and bottom. padding is the space within the element.

margin is the space outside of the element.

If you need help, please review and refer to the YouTube page

Last updated