Upsell Modal v1.0.0
The Upsell Modal feature on the ecomify theme allows you to suggest related products or upgrades to customers on the product page, usually when they are about to complete their purchase. This feature typically appears as a modal window that overlays the product page and it can be triggered by different events, such as when customers add a product to their cart or when they initiate the checkout process. The modal displays a selection of related products or upgrades, along with their images and pricing, and allows customers to add them to their cart or continue with their original purchase. The feature can help increase sales by promoting additional items to customers who may be interested in purchasing them.
The layout and design of the Upsell Modal feature can be customized to match the overall look and feel of your store. This can include setting the number of products displayed, the layout of the products and their details, as well as customizing the text, and images. Additionally, you can set a condition to show the upsell modal only when certain criteria are met.
The Upsell Modal feature on the ecomify theme is a valuable tool for promoting additional products or upgrades to customers and increasing sales. It allows customers to discover new products or upgrades that may be of interest to them and encourages them to add more items to their cart, leading to higher average order value. This feature is particularly useful when you want to increase the chances of upselling and when you want to increase the chances of customers purchasing more items or upgrades.
Start by clicking on the theme editor. The section will already be there for you to design.
You have the freedom to choose any other metafield for your upsell and frequently bought together features, and you don't necessarily have to use the same upsell ecomify.upsell. However, you need to make sure that you paste the correct namespace in the theme settings section where you are currently set up.
This will ensure that your chosen metafield is correctly integrated with the upsell and frequently bought together features, allowing you to offer more personalized and targeted recommendations to your customers.
Last updated